October 28, 2009

"Wasted" Featured on The Rock Deli #15

Starting today, Wednesday, Oct. 28th; The Rock Deli #15 will be airing for the entire week on www.therockdeli.com. We are very excited that the first song featured on the show is our own "Wasted"! Sebastian Bach's "Love Is A Bitchslap" featuring Axl Rose is on the playlist on this week's show as well! Log on to www.therockdeli.com and check it out!

October 23, 2009

Toys For Tots Drive in Jacksonville

A friend asked us to let everyone know that U Stor on Wesconnett Blvd in Jacksonville is having a Toy drive collecting Toys For Tots for "The Kids For Christmas" (formerly Dorkas Drake). They need new toy donations dropped off at their donation box at U Stor on Wesconnett Blvd. This is sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corps.

Anyone donating a toy will receive $20 off storage rental. See Rebecca at U Stor.


4714 Wesconnett Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32210-7315
(904) 778-4686